Sports Aptitude Test

Queens’ School organises a Sports Test for applicants with exceptional sporting aptitude within its catchment area. Only those with strong sports skills in the specified areas (WD3-WD7, WD17-WD19, WD23-WD25, AL2 (South of M25), HA6, HA5 3**, HA5 4**, HA3 6**, HA7 3**, HA7 4**) have a realistic chance of gaining a place. Siblings of current students don’t need to register.

The test date is on one day only, please see the calendar for details. No other dates are available.  Please see the calendar for details.

The tests will cover core movement skills from the Eurofit standards, with instructions and conditions kept consistent for all participants.

On the day

The children will be:

  • Told the correct order of tests
  • Kept together in their allocated groups
  • Clear about what they have to do each test

To help ensure reliability and validity of aptitude tests

  • Instructions will be exactly the same for all tests
  • The tests will be taught initially
  • The children will be given time to familiarise themselves with the tests
  • The tests will be carried out in identical conditions
  • The tests will be administered in the same order

Support and encouragement will be provided to all, but children should be motivated to do their best and provide similar encouragement to others.

Please find details of each activity which will take place via this link